Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prayers Needed

As many of you know, my Mom has been fighting breast cancer for approximately 2 years now and it's been a very difficult battle. The cancer has also spread to her brain. Friday she begins a second round of whole head radiation to treat more tumors that have grown. The first time she underwent this treatment it was horrible. She remembers almost nothing from this time. I remember talking to her on the phone and it was like she wasn't really there. Eight treatments later my Dad rushed her to the hospital with a ruptured ulcer in her stomach from the drugs she was taking and it almost killed her. This time she has to endure 15 treatments. It's so hard to be far away. I feel guilty for not being there. Please include my Mom in your prayers right now. Thanks everybody.


Danielle Moss said...

Oh I am so sorry. I will pray for your mom. Can you share her first name so we know who to pray for? I understand if you don't want to, but thought it would be nice to pray for her by name.

I'll be thinking of you. She knows you love her, so I hope you find peace and do not feel guilty

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

i am so sorry to hear that! my mother had breast cancer back in 1990. your mom is in our thoughts and prayers!

Nicole-Lynn said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your mom's cancer spreading and everything. I will pray for her!

Unknown said...

Her name is Linda. Thank you all!

Alison said...

You and she will be in my thoughts and prayers!!

Anonymous said...

I will pray for your Mother, you & your family.

Stereos and Souffles said...

So sorry, I'll keep you and your mom in my thoughts.

nanny said...

I am so sorry. I had been thinking of your mom and wondering how she was doing. Tell her many are praying for her! You too!

Meta said...

Prayers for your mom and you during this time - stay strong and believe!

Her Preppiness said...

I am so sorry.Godspeed.

Mrs. Douglass said...

I will keep you in my prayers.

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Both you and your mother (Linda) will be in our prayers. Peace to both of you, will be thinking of you Beachy.........

Carrie Nicole said...

loads of good thoughts and healing energy to your mom. big hugs to you and your family.

Gigi said...

I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.

Preppy Pugs said...

I went through a similar situation with my mom. I am praying you find strength and comfort during this most difficult time.

Surf Girl said...

I am so sorry to hear this. You and your whole family are in my prayers.

LSU Melanie said...

I am soo sorry. Your family is in my prayers