Friday, October 2, 2009

What's your commute?

I've not been the best blogger lately, I know. I just haven't had much to say. Because things have been crazy and stressful lately I haven't shared with you the GOOD NEWS in our life.

Mr. Beachy got a new job! On an island! How cool is that! Everyday he drives his little convertible 31 miles south to the island and it's a beautiful drive.

Congratulations Mr. Beachy! I love you!

Who wouldn't want THAT commute?


nanny said...

Amen, you deserve some good news! congrats Mr. Beachy!!!

Simple Daisy said...

That's awesome!! You certainly deserve some good news! Congrats:)

Pattie M said...

Congratulations Mr Beachy!!!
Enjoy the view and the job!!!

sealaura said...

glad to hear things are turning a corner for you . congratulations Mr. Beachy.

The Mrs. said...

HOw fabulous!