My sister's ultrasound was misread the first time. It's NOT a boy... IT"S A GIRL!
My poor lil sister has to take back a bunch of boy clothes! Thank goodness the baby's room has a beach theme and she deoesn't have to redo that! I must say I'm pretty excited to buy little dresses!
Ahh! :) Exciting :)
Wow! That's crazy!! Congrats on a girl!
I go for an ultrasound today to find out what we are having and I'm now I'm going to tell them not to tell me unless they are 100 percent sure :)
How fun! I just had my baby 3 weeks ago. They readi right like the other 2. I had a little boy. I think he is the best!! COngrats to your sis. How exciting to buy sweet little girl clothes. I have 1 girl and it is so much fun!!!
Fun news!!! Yes, sometimes they show their stuff better than other times ~ I'm sure she will love having a little girl! I do!!
A few years back, this happened to an English friend of mine. I had hand quilted a comforter in 100 shades of blue. She kept it, and 6 years later Layla is still attached to her boo bankie (blue blankie). It's story will be told over and over ...:( Sorry but love girls, great blessing!
A few years back, this happened to an English friend of mine. I had hand quilted a comforter in 100 shades of blue. She kept it, and 6 years later Layla is still attached to her boo bankie (blue blankie). It's story will be told over and over ...:( Sorry but love girls, great blessing!
Holy cow! I think I would freak if I had it in my head it was one sex only to find out it was the other.
Oh, no! I'm worried about this happening to me too. At how many weeks were the two ultrasounds? I'm wondering if the first one was done too early to be very accurate?
I was worried about that too...congrats on the girl!
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