Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For the pretty mamas!

My sister and I have been looking at gowns she can wear when she goes to the hospital to have her baby later this year. Did any of you go this route? I think this option makes so much sense. It's pretty and face it you are going to have lots of pictures and even video taken. So much nicer than the gowns the hospital gives you. Here's the one my sister picked out:


Some Like it Southern said...

Love this gown! Your sister will like the gown idea better then pj's. I only bought one gown and had 2 pair of pj's. The gown was much easier to work with and was very comfy!

Best wishes to your sister!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Never heard of this. What a great idea. This will be my baby shower gift from here on out!

dreaming in pink and green said...

that's SO cute...makes me want to be a mama (I better watch what I say) too young for that still! :)

Life, Love And Lola said...

How cute!

Solar Powered said...

must add gowns to the hospital list...thanks for the post!

The Mrs. said...

I did the BYOG gown, same as Tori Spelling and I looked fierce!!!! Everyone at the hospital loved it too!

Southern Savvy said...

I think that it's a good idea for after the delivery and a shower! Some women look beautiful after delivery but I wasn't so lucky. I was one Hot Sweaty Mess! But, something pretty would probably make any momma feel a little better!

Preppy Lizard said...

That hospital gown is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had no idea you could get your own super cute gown. Where did you find this one?