I am preparing to purchase an investment handbag and wanted to get your thoughts. My criteria for said bag are that it has to be leather, of excellent quality, and classic. I'd like to not go over $300. I'm strongly considering getting a Dooney. I love the handles: 

Do any of you have a Dooney? How do you feel about it? If not a Dooney, what kind of bag would you recommend?
I have one and love it. My advice is to stalk your local department stores because I got my $240 Dooney for $30 on major sale ;-)
I have the red one from The Holiday Season 2008.
I love it, and it has held up much better than any other bag I have ever owned.
If this is your first designer bag, get the black for versatility.
Dream boats?
I would recommend Coach.. Check the area for an outlet.
I have a Dooney with the same handle as the some picture and it was been great. The handle has held up better than any other bag I have had. When I bought mine, they told me to have it cleaned and oiled once a year to protect it from drying out.
I have a few Dooney's and I don't have any complaints. My favorite purse right now is a Tignanello.
I am not much of a brand name purse kind of girl:)
I am not much of a brand name purse kind of girl:)
I LOVE bags of any kind, but Dooney's are my favorites. The only thing I would recommend is that you consider how much it weighs empty.
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